Good News: Good Samaritans Help Free Man From Overturned Car

A driver in the Nashville suburb of Belle Meade flipped his SUV and blames a sneezing fit for him losing control of the vehicle. He says his allergies were flaring up and he started sneezing behind the wheel and the next thing he knows, he’s flipped his vehicle over.

Fortunately, a crowd of good samaritans witnessed the wreck and rushed over to help. It happened near a golf course, so golfers and construction workers ran over and worked together to push the SUV upright. And it didn’t happen a moment too soon because just minutes later, the vehicle burst into flames, but the driver was safely out, thanks to the kindness of strangers.

The driver managed to walk away from the accident with only a bruised arm. He realizes just how lucky he was and says, "I am so grateful."


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